Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Job in Japan (Dec 9)

Again, this another installment of post-dated blog entries representing the past few weeks worth of events.

So December 9 was my last day as an employee of Google.  Film at 11...

Grandma Gayle and Partying in Tokyo (Dec 1-6)

Wow, where did this month go? I've been behind in posting here on the blog.  So here are a bunch of posts for the past few weeks worth of events.  Enjoy.

Our First Visitor
On December 1st Grandma Gayle – Tina's mom – arrived to visit for several weeks. She says she's here to visit all three of us, but we know her true motivation: to hold her grandson Nathan. :^)

It's been a treat to have Gayle around; she's helped with cooking, Christmas baking, cleaning, babysitting, grocery shopping, diaper changing, furniture placement, laundry, etc.  Besides showering Nathan with love and attention, Gayle has given Tina and me some much needed rest.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

We Have Our Furniture

On Monday we got our house hold goods!  We have our own stuff!  Hurray!

Well, everything except the "express shipment" items like our computers and printer.  They should've been here two weeks ago.  At last check those things are still in California awaiting a trip on an Air Force cargo plane.  Why is it our furniture that was literally shipped here, arrived before the items coming by plane?

Anyway, our bed and pillows never felt so good.  Plus now we have real silverware, plates and pots to eat from.  No more plastic forks melting while trying to cook an omelet in a pasta pot!


Reading Sarah Vowell

Non-sequitur.  Here are some thoughts on the books I am currently reading.  (We've got a lot of time on our hands while riding the trains in Japan.)  By the way, I have also started labeling the topics found in each blog post.  So enjoy this first post under the new label: Books.