Nathan and Hillary
Tina and Will
Nathan and his girlfriend
Haven't had much opportunity to venture off base recently as I worked a crazy schedule over week leading up to and including Xmas since other folks were on leave. But Nathan enjoyed opening tons of presents from very generous family members (he enjoyed the wrapping paper most of all). He got a boucy chair, tons of clothes and lots of toys that make various noises. Charlie and Nathan spent Xmas Eve at the Hiles' house in Ikego, braving the Japanese roads off base for the first time and getting lost in the process. Xmas dinner was spent at our friends' the Arroyo's house. New Year's Eve we got a nice visit from an old college friend Will Taylor who's been living in Japan for the last 6 years. We brought him on base for a tour of the shipyards, but the highlight for him was going to the center of base for American pizza, cereal, beer and Taco Bell! New Year's Eve evening we had a wonderful time playing lively games of Apples to Apples and Balderdash with friends The Frenches and The Arroyos. New Year's Day and the 2nd we spent watching the Sun Bowl and the Rose Bowl. Our teams lost both games, but it was still fun. The evening of New Year's Day was a major milestone for Nathan - his first meal of (semi)solid, or at least non-breast milk, food. We tried out some oatmeal, which he loved, but, of course, made a HUGE messAfter Nathan's first real meal
Not sure how he got oatmeal above his eyebrow . . .
1 comment:
Cool that you got to hang out with Will! I'm hoping that things are going well for you guys - and I'm loving reading about your adventures!
Happy New Year
-Kimberly, Billy & Will
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